Your events with
The GoodLife Coffee

At Goodlife, events have been part of the company's DNA since its inception in 2015.
Through our years of experience we have developed a real expertise in event management by participating in numerous events for our varied and always delighted clients: event agencies, luxury boutiques, festivals, hotels, business schools, private clients...
To meet your needs, we offer various customisable service formats ranging from a head barista service to a complete coffee experience including professional machine, design and stand, as well as workshops and coffee breaks with automatic machines.
Our teams' mastery of the art of specialty coffee roasting, barista service, design, hospitality and logistics allow us to support you at 360 degrees by delivering the highest quality.
If you wish to
- Delegate expertise around coffee service
- Offer an exceptional taste experience in a warm atmosphere to your guests
- A sustainable and local approach to your event
Goodlife is here for you and we look forward to discussing it!
We are available for any questions or requests regarding your events by email
Download our complete event brochure through our form
Our upcoming events
15 December - 15 December
IMD Graduation
Chemin de Bellerive 23
1007 Lausanne - Switzerland